Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Today I crossed my 1st item off my resolution list, which proved to be really simple so I can do this! I want to be smaller at least in the lower 80s by December. I guess it wont help by me eating samoosas for lunch instead of having a shake, I couldn't help myself though.

I exercised for a short time last night but I felt a bit sick so ended up hugging the toilet bowl. there goes my butternut and mashed potato. I have decided that I am going to try eat less of the Frys products as they are high in salt and salt is bad. Tonight I want to maybe make some mix veg and my last frys beef pie, or even a salad.

I so badly want to try making my own veg pie, will put some peas and carrots and a cheese or white sauce in it and roast it in the oven. Will have to see how this goes.

Right so back to work soldier.

Sudden realisation

In my journey with Bunny I have come to see how much such a small ball of fur can love such giants like us. All we do is feed them and clean up their poop with the occasional head rubs but yet they keep coming back for more.

It also makes me sad when you see ow animals are used in testing, I do understand that a person like me should be EXTREMELY happy for animal testing seen as I have people in my life that are dependent on medicines that were tested and perfected on animals, but they never did anything to us. Why don't they rather use human subjects who have lost their right to be called a human (yes I mean the bad ass people in prison who keep buying a ticket to get back by raping innocent babies and children)

This is Bunny. She gives me loads of cuddles and binkies!

Monday, February 10, 2014


This past weekend I was pretty good in my diet choices. On Friday night i had a brown roll for dinner (I did not feel like eating) and some popcorn at the movies. We watched Wolf on Wall Street, which is really good, I do not think I have ever seen so much sex and drugs in 1 movie! It happens to be 3 hours long though so I got really fidgetty and could not sit still. I could not wait for it to end.

On Saturday I had another pizza (oops) the family had ribs so I had to have something else. I only ate 5 of the slices and left the rest for brighter days. I also ate quite a bit of fruit and drank some water so not all is lost.

On Sunday I had the left over pizza as well as some of the chocolate balls my mother made (they are so hard to resist because they taste so good) My parents had take aways last night but I opted for my veg patties on toast which wasn't so bad actually. I even did a 30 minute walk and a few weight exercises which is an added score!

I am really wanting Burger King for their fries its so hard to not go buy a burger and stuff my face but I am going to try my best to not set foot in Cavendish Square and just have veggies or something for dinner.

Yay veggies *sigh*

Friday, February 7, 2014

Sun dried tomato!

Being alone last night and lazy as I am ashamed to admit my parents went out for dinner, so dear old me was left to make dinner for myself. I decided, screw this I want pizza (I love pizza) so I bummed some money off my folks and called the pizza joint over the road.

After about 30 minutes of waiting my pizza arrived smelling so dam good. Basil pesto, sun dried tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and feta. Can I really ask for more awesomeness on 1 base? As I opened the box and basked in the glory of the smell of basil I told myself, "Karm you must only eat half of this pizza then put it in the kitchen and have the rest for lunch tomorrow at work." Lets just say I only have 2 slices for lunch at work, which was eaten before 10am.

I now feel really bad about this as I scoffed almost the whole pizza in 1 sitting, with 500ml of coke *hangs head in shame*

To make myself feel better I have told Marc I will be walking tonight so when he gets to me I will be exercising, he does not mind though, I think he would just be happy I'm actually getting off my fat ass and doing something.

I hurt my arm somewhere and the muscle is a bit sore which reminds me of the times (very few) I have done some weight exercises and my body ached, but like that good ache where you know you did something good.

I'm hoping this is my fire cracker and I can get my ball rolling. I am going to go to the doctor so that I can try to get something for my focus I am so sure that I can do so much better if I have meds. Even if I have to take Ritlin, right now I do not care if I'm like a zombie from The walking Dead, as long as I can get my work done and start losing weight.

I do not want to be the chubby kid anymore. Today Tanita told me that  nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, this got me thinking about the whole 'you are what you eat' and 'your body is your only home, treat it right' and maybe I am not being fair to my body, I can see the difference, I'm getting pimples again and my skin looks dull and ugly so I have to do something. Even my sleep isn't the same.

I think I need to get that waistcoat back so I can hang it up and imagine myself in it again.

Here's to hoping I can do this.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Can I have some more?...

Today, to my utter horror, 1 of my favourite pants for work just wouldn't close :( so this has become necessary now. A bud of mine told me about Excel which is used by kids with ADD to enhance mental focus and is all natural so I am considering trying that out. Maybe this could be the key I am missing out on. I really am considering visiting the doctor again.

I was pondering my knock on the head the other day and things sorta started spiraling out of control from after that so that could have been a cause seen as I never went to a doctor for my concussion. Is that even possible though?

Last night I had an awesome dinner with mushrooms seen as we had no more lentils in the freezer :( but was definitely worth it. I want to be a clean eater today, after i finish my cake, whoops .

On a happier note I have gone 6 weeks without meat. I do feel like I'm heading in the proper direction as it is getting easier and the smell of bacon now just makes me naar.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I have this major craving for mushrooms and lentils so I plan on making a salad with those in it tonight. I have no idea what I will put with it but anything in the fridge might become a victim.

I do really want to try and start my 100 day challenge tonight even if I start off slow and do 20 minutes seen as I have to really pay attention to my bedroom for a change, I am so convinced that packing clothes and dusting is a form of exercise, I should make my own form of ankle weights and attach them while working so I have some form of resistance.

Today I had my shake for breakfast, with fat free milk and I had some left over mac and cheese now and I still feel hungry. I feel like I have a bottomless pit at the end of my stomach that food is just falling through right now!

I'm going to be measuring myself every 2 weeks while I do this challenge so I will be posting those up here just for the hell of it.

Check out my best friends blog, Hectic life of a fat mother, she is also trying to lose weight and be healthy!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Let them eat cake!

Today being my birthday and all I have eaten some cake and I feel horrible, the sweetness was way too much for me even though it tasted so dam good!

I am having bacon less mac and cheese for dinner so I'm trying to not eat too much so I can enjoy that meal! Mac and cheese happens to be my favourite food. At least I had my shake for breakfast so I have spared a few calories that way. I wonder what it's like to not eat at all, or eat very little. If I had any will power what so ever I would try it.

At least I started my 24th year on the green planet 1kg lighter than I was before, surely that must mean something right?

I don't even feel like working I actually feel like taking a run, maybe i can convince Marc to run with me tonight. Well not run because I cannot run, will be more of a brisk walk to get sweaty.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

100 days? You kidding right!

100 days? That is just over 3 months... I am sure I can do this!

My 100 days will be walking on the treadmill and doing some form of dumbell exercise for 45 minutes. It's only 45 minutes, really it is not that bad, if i wake up at 6am every morning I can do 25 minutes before work and then I only have to do 20 minutes at night.

I'm hoping this exercise and eating correctly can help with my constant headaches I am suffering from, I even went as far as to cut my hair to try help with the pain but hip hip hooray the pain is back again.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

I'm a PiRaTe!

Arrr! I had the most awesome dinner, a huge black mushroom with spinach and feta all crumbled up in it, will definitely be the best birthday eat out dinner I have had (it beats the ribs and beer from last year) even the company came out tops!

I have discovered that people can be mean about my choice of diet, even if i was doing this for the animals (which i slowly am starting to) it's my choice and I am not telling you you have to not eat meat, eating meat is your choice, go ahead eat as many pigs as you like. I do not understand how people can tar me with a 'oh god shes so picky and stuck up because she does not eat meat' brush. i am not a picky eater and no I am not stuck up either. This all coming from a person I just met and could not even string 2 words together to greet me!

My health is more important to me that a good steak, I would like to live to be older than 50 and see my kids (if that should ever happen that I do actually have kids) grow up and know that I was there for them. I also do not want to be on tablets to keep me alive.

Cheers to the meat free me!