Monday, September 29, 2014

Pork Sausage casserole

I love casserole and have fond memories of my grand father making this when he was alive.

Right so you will need

  • 2 pork bangers (no nasties or fillers) 
  • 1 bag of mix veggies of your choice 
  • 1 medium potato or sweet potato 
  • 1 glass of beer or wine 
  • Spices 

Grease an oven proof dish and line the sausages at the bottom of the bowl. pour veggies over the top of the sausages and spice as you like. I used chilli flakes and garlic. Par boil your potato in the microwave and cut into thin rings, then place ontop of the veggies. Pour your wine or beer over the veggies and potato and pop into a pre heated oven at 180*. Cook for 1 hour or until sausages are cooked and potato is crispy around the edges.


Weekend bum

This weekend I was very good, I missed the parkrun but I went to gym twice last night (YAY!)

On Saturday I saw an old friend who I have not seen in a while and 1 of the 1st things he says to me is 'F*ck Karmen you got fat' Well needless to say my 1st reaction was a not so lady like f*ck you and then as he carried on 'oh but your bums gotten so big' and the trying to make it sound like he's being nice 'it's good, women need a bum' my response was 'so what, it's my bum' this ultimately lead my to a huge lump in my throat and wanting to leave. The skinny me was not happy with herself and the fat me felt defeated. When we eventually left I couldn't help but cry, my dad, at first, didn't know what to do with his crying 24 year old daughter but then gave me the speech. Karmen, f*ck him you live with us and we love you and no my girl you are not fat (My dad thinks we are perfect even though I am carrying a little bit extra around the edges) which made me cry even more because my parents are so awesome.

So I ate all healthy stuff the weekend and went to gym twice on Sunday to make up for me being 'fat'. This included a stretch class which I cannot say I enjoyed very much as my tummy kept getting in the way. I am starting to enjoy going to gym just wish I could spend more time there.

Today when I got into work I found out I lost the bet with my boss so Saturdays parkrun I will have to run it *yikes* the deal however did not say how fast I have to run so I will do my running not athlete style running.

On a lighter note (literally) I lost 1.4kgs since my last weigh in which was Tuesday morning so will see coming Tuesday what the final result is, which I think isn't too bad.

Here's to the rest of the day.

Till we chat again lovies

Monday, September 22, 2014

Parkruns and things

This week I did my 6th parkrun which I managed to finish in 48 minutes which I'm proud of but is still not my personal best (Which is sitting on just under 45 minutes) - I must say I have absolutely no idea how I get to my personal best!!

On Friday I did the circuit at the gym for the 1st time I must say that they do not give you nearly enough time to figure out how to work each machine and then test out the weight that you would need to use and use the equipment before the dreaded red light flashes again. I will rather just do my own thing when there is few people around so I can time myself.

This weekend I prepared for my healthy week, I bought frozen veggies, chicken and pork sausages (home made with no nasites) I shall be tackling this next 4 weeks head on. I've given myself 4 weeks to get my arse in gear and be healthy again, summer is looming and I want to fit into my pretty skirts again.

Today I tried the Supashape Chocolate protein shake which is supposed to be "silky smooth" but actually just tastes like canderel thrown into a bottle of milk, I will much rather stick to my own cocoa shakes that tastes yummy. I went as far as to create a Dinner Menu for the week so I can stick to the plan and when I get home from work or gym there's no excuses to make dinner (those normally consist of *I have no idea what to make for dinner*)

I am planning on doing a shape class today again and will see how my legs are after that I might go exercise on the bikes a bit before I head home. Gym is a pretty good distraction for me lately which I'm guessing is a good thing.

Tomorrow is weigh and measure day! Yikes
Hoping things haven't gotten too bad.

Enjoy the rest of your day lovlies

Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday... is that you? o.0

So I never made it into the woman walk on Wednesday and haven't been to gym all week, my scooter is still broken sadly. Today I am definitely going to break a sweat. Cardio and circuit here I come!!! 

I have spent some of the morning doing some research on transplants and kidney donation and found that there is possibly a way to do a kidney and partial pancreas transplant which would be awesome if that could be done so Tams diabetes wouldn't be as bad as it is now. The only problem is the only hospital that does this is in Johannesburg and I'm guessing is going to be quite expensive. We finally got an appointment with the transplant doctor which is good news seen as last month I had to wait almost a month for an appointment, seems there is many people getting transplants.

My eating has been up and down today I have been craving bread like nobodies business and so I gave in and had some bread with my meat balls. I cannot wait till payday so I can buy another shake I miss my chocolatey goodness. I have no idea how people drink water when it is so cold out it just makes me even more cold when I do drink water, I'm much preferring my coffee and tea, even an app on my phone never helped me get my required amount of water in every day. 

I recently saw a post on FB where somebody was asking for help to fund their dogs operation which made me sad when I read some peoples comments (1 in particular) saying it's not right to be asking for financial help because we are supposed to budget blah blah. 

This made me think of all the times when Tam had her 1st transplant we had fundraisers because the bills were just pilling up. I really think people are wrong thinking like that. If you do not want to help just don't pay attention to it. 

We as a family never asked to be in the situation where my sister needs a new kidney because she got a disease that's a little bit hard to handle and seeing the way she is when she comes off dialysis is horrible enough to want to take it away and do anything to make it better. So yes I decided when we got the news that she could have a new transplant that I would give her that kidney she needs, why should money have to stop me from helping her, maybe it's selfish of me to want to keep her around (and healthy) for longer so we have more time together. 

Just something I have to think of... 

Have an awesome weekend all. If anybody is reading this. 


Monday, September 15, 2014

Shape my what?!?

I realise it's been a month, and I've been super lazy to write anything but finally I have some good news. Turns out to be a donor my BMI only has to be 30 which is awesome because I am currently sitting on 31.

I want to get it to be 28 or something close to that just to be on the safe side and with December looming I finally joined the gym.

I have been doing classes mostly and the weekly parkruns which  I must say so myself I am killing, all under 50 minutes each week. The class I enjoy the most is the Shape class that really gets you sweating but wow last weeks class was hectic I ended up hurting my back, so trying Pilates (I will admit I was a bit skeptical how playing around on a mat will help my back heal) helped a lot and gave my abs a good work out.
Unfortunately my scooter decided to be a little red cow and lose her start button so I cannot get to gym tonight to do another round of classes or to work up sweat in any other way.

I even entered the Adidas womans walk but I never made the cut but will go to gym and walk those 3kms on the treadmill or cycle them. 

My eating is coming right slowly (excluding this weekend) veggies and meats are the choice for most dinners and salads for lunch at work, I've even started making yummy smoothies for breakfast. 

Anywho guess I should get back to work and earn my salary :/ 

Have a sexy day lovelies