Monday, December 29, 2014

Blood types and the what not

Merry Christmas to my readers. I hope you have had a joyous festive season and did not put on too much weight.

We finally got the approval from the medical aid and all of the appointments we need to go to. On Monday we did the 1st test which was tissue typing. After drawing 6 vials of blood we should know in about 3 weeks time if our tissues match.

My next appointment is next week Tuesday to have x-rays taken. Unfortunately I cannot eat before the x-rays so I think it is going to be quite challenging. I also have another round of blood tests to go through then it's just the social worker and small bits and bobs.

We hoping to have the transplant done in March / April, provided I have lost the extra weight, which is up to 7kgs now thanks to the festive season eatings.

Today I am going back to gym even if I sit on a bicycle for an hour it beats sitting at home on the couch stuffing my face. Home is where the trifle and fridge tart are which makes it difficult as I have no will power at all. Food controls me most of the time so being away from that situation is the best I can do. I see it as a win win situation.

I need to get back to work. Hope there is some good news coming soon.