Friday, November 14, 2014

Blood blood blood!

Last week Wednesday I had an appointment with the transplant sister, sister Margaret explained everything that was going to be done and all the test I would need, the time it would take for testing as well as post op, and I had to sign all the forms for the information to be sent through to the medical aid. Tams medical aid covers all of the tests that need to be done for the recipient as well as the donor (how nice of them). I was also told I need to lose some weight, which I already knew. I have lost 8kgs already so only 5 more to go!! Both Tam and I were also informed that we need to be super healthy now as even a normal snotty nose or a slight cough would push the testing back till we are healthy again. I will be in hospital for about a week and then I will need 6 - 8 weeks recovery time at home to be fully healed and I will not be able to do any exercise for about 12 weeks post op. 

Sister Margaret also gave me a form to go to Pathcare to have proof of my blood group. While I was there I did the other blood tests my GP had ordered me to have done.

When I finally got the results back turns out I am O+ (same blood group as Tam, which we already knew but they needed evidence) my Creatinine is 62 which is good and my Urea is 2.7 (it's supposed to be 2.8 but that is no problem), this mean that my kidney is actually perfect to be donated YAY! Sister Margaret has now sent all the forms and details to the medical aid so now it's a waiting game.... tick tock, tick tock. The last time the transplant was requested it took about 3 - 4 weeks to be approved, which isn't too bad, gives me some more time to lose some weight. 

From all the tests I was told these are the ones I actually remember:
Chest x-ray.
Lung tests.
HLA typing or tissue typing - they test the antigens (proteins on the cells of the body) to make sure they match, we get antigens from our parents (50% from mom, 50% from dad) so we are positive that our antigens would be a match.
Meeting with a social worker - this is to make sure I am not being bribed or paid into giving up a kidney.
The CT scan thing where they shoot dye into your blood to see which kidney is best suited to be donated. 
Blood pressure tests are also very important, and if my blood pressure if high they will put me on a little machine that will be strapped to me and will measure my bp over a 24 hour period.
I will also have to pee in a bottle for 24 hours to see how my kidney processes water and urine (I must say I'm really looking forward to this part of everything) 

Now that the ball is finally on the roll I feel excited to get this done, but also a tiny bit scared as I have never had a operation before and I do not know what to expect but also very glad that I have the tools that can help Tam feel better and keep her healthy. 

I will be writing a blog for every test or scan that I am doing. 

Here's to many healthy years. 