Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Sickness and health?

Hello lovies.

I wanted to write last week but I was so weak, I was hit by a nasty bug that meant anything that went into my mouth came right back out again (will teach me to drink Coke and eat Chinese food together) This did help me lose 1 kg (the only awesome part about being sick) and has helped me lose quite a bit of my appetite. This also meant no exercise so that 1 kg was a blessing.

I normally do weigh ins every second Tuesday but today out of curiosity I jumped on the scale and found I've lost 2.4 kgs since my weigh in last week! yay! This feels kinda weird and unreal (I happened to get back on the scale again just to make sure it was a correct reading) as it has been a while since I've actually lost big amounts of weight, 500g does not cut it. This brings my total weight loss since 23 September to 5kgs. Pretty proud of that right there.

Today is also day 3 of drinking gelatin in tea (coffee makes me way too naar to drink it) which I'm hoping is going to help with my stretch marks and the marks I have on my legs from the stress scratches I always end up having when life happens to have a wobble.

The other night I tried waxing my legs..... what a disaster, little chips of dried wax all over the lounge carpet and blood shot legs to pay for it, I doubt I will be trying that again, should just get a bottle of wine and go to a salon so they can do it for me (the wine is for the dutch courage)

I shall be going to gym tonight and being healthy and happy again YAY!

Till we meet again