Monday, June 16, 2014

Day 1

Today was day 1, which wasn't very bad.

I have been in bed all day with flu but I still had my shake for breakfast.
I had a banana for lunch and then steamed chicken and 2 cups of veggies with cottage cheese for dinner, Feeling really horrible I have no drive to go exercise, which would be a bad idea seeing as I get out of breath just going to the toilet! 

Here's to hoping this flu and crap cough will get better so I can start doing my exercise :) 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Chapter Changes

So with my sister getting worse and me getting scared I have decided that I will donate my kidney to help save her. I would do this in a heartbeat but I do have 1 problem, I am overweight! 

We do not know for sure if my kidney will be needed as they might be able to save the 1 she currently has but I will still need to get my arse in gear for in case I am needed. 

I have 2 chicks doing the weight loss with me and we going to be sharing meals and exercise so we not alone. 

I have to be a healthy weight so there wont be any complications during the surgery... that means I will have to be about 66kgs which would make my BMI in the normal weight category. With this it means I will have to loose 30kgs in total (Yikes!!!) 

I have it all planned out. Take my before pictures this weekend, indulge in the wine I have been so craving, have the last bit of take away foods and then it's right down to the nitty gritty. 

Last night i walked on the treadmill for 15 minutes, I thought I was going to die I am so unfit. I see it as I have to start somewhere so I take it as a + for me :)