Friday, January 31, 2014

Medication station

Right... so I have been noticing that my focus and concentration is not so good lately and the meds I bought are not helping so i am building up the courage to go to see a doctor. I have been told it could be A.D.D but I want a proper diganosis.

I am capable of sticking to my no meat policy which is pretty good I think seen as i am the kid who starts all the little projects and never finishes them.

I have not been exercising at all, I have been feeling a little low about all that, and with my birthday coming up soon I do not see that happening. Every night my treadmill tucks me and kisses me goodnight, no walking needed.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Weekend... whoo hoo!

This weekend Marc finally met my best friend (this was a big step for me as my ex boyfriend did not like Gary because we have history) It went really well and Marc does seem to like Gary, they spent over 20 minutes in the Burger King line chatting about boys stuff.

They boys had burgers which smelt so dam good i opted for a beer instead and then tried my luck at a bean burger from Burger King. They unfortunately never had any bean patties (how is that even possible) so I had an encounter with the chilli cheese nuggets, which might i add are dam hot!

On the Saturday my family braaied in Tokai Forrest and I was brave enough to put soya burgers on the braai (it tasted amazing in Jimmies steakhouse sauce) along with potato and noodle salad I conquered the braai without being tempted to eat any meat! I am getting good at this.

My exercise has been very limited but i did find some weights (finally) I got 2 3kg dumbells and found some good exercises to do online.

Hopefully now I can start doing some thing!

Au revoir
Till next time x

Monday, January 13, 2014

New years resolutions

2014 is finally here and I am proud to say I have stuck to my biggest resolution. I have not had any meat since 2014 started and I have started to exercise too.

On Thursday evening I walked off 200 calories in 33 minutes as a start and I used my dumbells a little bit, did 60 arm curls (if that is what they are called) for each arm that on Friday my muscles pained, I do think I need to find heavier weights though as 2kg is getting a little bit light.

I have started drinking the Herbex Attack the Fat syrup with lunch and dinner to help the process along and trying to drink as much water as possible. Me being loskop doesn't help with the pills as I am constantly forgetting to take them even when my alarm does go off,

Tonight I plan on walking a little bit more while I watch some Arrow or Gary unmarried. I have found that it does help to watch something to keep my mind busy.

I'm hoping the work out will help with the slight sadness I am feeling for no apparent reason, think after spending almost the whole weekend with Marc I miss him alot, but i will not turn to comfort eating, I know he is mine and I know he loves me so no pity party eating spree :/

Lets hope the night turns out how I plan it to be.

Ciao for now :)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday blues... need I say more?

The weather has finally shoved in my favour! It's nice and rainy and cold in Cape Town, just how I like it. Vampire weather as I like to refer to it.

I have had my 2 shakes for today both with water so I am feel awesome! and i only had 1 small cup cake type thing.

I had a schnitzel and lots of veggies for dinner so today is a total score, I will admit that i did have a beer with dinner but only 1. I'm feeling motivated for a change even though my emotions are all over the place. It really does suck being a girl.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Weekend fun-ness!

Is that even a word? 0.o

Right so weekend was pretty good. I chose all meat free options and saw a band I love, (see the videos here to see just how awesome they are, Sleepwalker, Push me to the Floor). Can a day get any better? Sporting my new Parlotones T-shirt I realised I have actually put on weight and some clothes (my fat pants to be exact) are now fitting again which is a bad thing in this sense.I guess the spinach and feta pie was a bad idea. I have however found a fond liking for Kauai seen as it is the only fast food joint that actually has good vegetarian food. That's coming from me thinking people who eat at Kauai are food snobs, boy was I wrong.

I was in bed most of Sunday, the nasty migraine strikes again! YAY! I stood Marc up cause I could not face getting out of bed and travelling so far with my head being so sore. I felt really bad about that cause it hurt him so porky me turned to food. I ended up having fried eggs from mom. turns out getting migraines does have its perks, I didn't even have to clean up *score* I also ate Christmas cake and rye bread and chocolate bon bons. Went a bit off the rails there.

I take this as a victory though as it is 1 whole weekend without any meat. I can do this, just need to keep at it.

Friday, January 3, 2014

1 good day

I am super proud of myself, the family all had ribs (I love ribs) and they smelt so good it really did make my stomach grumble for a taste but i made myself dinner, which might i add tasted horrible. Soya mince and peas... meh ribs would have been better. Marc kept offering me of his ribs which was so tempting but i kept to my goal and had no meat!

Starting a new!

So new year has passed and I picked up some weight around the edges so I have to do something. I've printed out ny goals for this year on a monthly basis so its smaller chunks at a time.

I also have seen how bad coke is and have sworn to not drink it again even though it tastes so good. I'm even just try to get my pills into my mouth every day on time.

It doesn't help being tired all the time when you want to exercise but no more excuses I have ti get my bum back into the 80s before I reach my starting weight and have to start all over. 

It's really difficult to be healthy when your dating somebody who doesn't care much about health and will eat anything he is given and sees no need to exercise. Making it so much worse is he lives so close to all the fast food places so when we both lazy its easy to order in. Fast food has really made us fat! Ugly people they are!

Finally it is friday after a very hard 2 day week for me, going to try drinking my shake 2 meals a day this weekend :)