Monday, September 15, 2014

Shape my what?!?

I realise it's been a month, and I've been super lazy to write anything but finally I have some good news. Turns out to be a donor my BMI only has to be 30 which is awesome because I am currently sitting on 31.

I want to get it to be 28 or something close to that just to be on the safe side and with December looming I finally joined the gym.

I have been doing classes mostly and the weekly parkruns which  I must say so myself I am killing, all under 50 minutes each week. The class I enjoy the most is the Shape class that really gets you sweating but wow last weeks class was hectic I ended up hurting my back, so trying Pilates (I will admit I was a bit skeptical how playing around on a mat will help my back heal) helped a lot and gave my abs a good work out.
Unfortunately my scooter decided to be a little red cow and lose her start button so I cannot get to gym tonight to do another round of classes or to work up sweat in any other way.

I even entered the Adidas womans walk but I never made the cut but will go to gym and walk those 3kms on the treadmill or cycle them. 

My eating is coming right slowly (excluding this weekend) veggies and meats are the choice for most dinners and salads for lunch at work, I've even started making yummy smoothies for breakfast. 

Anywho guess I should get back to work and earn my salary :/ 

Have a sexy day lovelies

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