Friday, February 7, 2014

Sun dried tomato!

Being alone last night and lazy as I am ashamed to admit my parents went out for dinner, so dear old me was left to make dinner for myself. I decided, screw this I want pizza (I love pizza) so I bummed some money off my folks and called the pizza joint over the road.

After about 30 minutes of waiting my pizza arrived smelling so dam good. Basil pesto, sun dried tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and feta. Can I really ask for more awesomeness on 1 base? As I opened the box and basked in the glory of the smell of basil I told myself, "Karm you must only eat half of this pizza then put it in the kitchen and have the rest for lunch tomorrow at work." Lets just say I only have 2 slices for lunch at work, which was eaten before 10am.

I now feel really bad about this as I scoffed almost the whole pizza in 1 sitting, with 500ml of coke *hangs head in shame*

To make myself feel better I have told Marc I will be walking tonight so when he gets to me I will be exercising, he does not mind though, I think he would just be happy I'm actually getting off my fat ass and doing something.

I hurt my arm somewhere and the muscle is a bit sore which reminds me of the times (very few) I have done some weight exercises and my body ached, but like that good ache where you know you did something good.

I'm hoping this is my fire cracker and I can get my ball rolling. I am going to go to the doctor so that I can try to get something for my focus I am so sure that I can do so much better if I have meds. Even if I have to take Ritlin, right now I do not care if I'm like a zombie from The walking Dead, as long as I can get my work done and start losing weight.

I do not want to be the chubby kid anymore. Today Tanita told me that  nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, this got me thinking about the whole 'you are what you eat' and 'your body is your only home, treat it right' and maybe I am not being fair to my body, I can see the difference, I'm getting pimples again and my skin looks dull and ugly so I have to do something. Even my sleep isn't the same.

I think I need to get that waistcoat back so I can hang it up and imagine myself in it again.

Here's to hoping I can do this.

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